Sunday, June 29, 2008

Diablo 3 - And the heaven shall tremble


It's about 7 year after blizzard launch Diablo 2-Lord of Destruction, now they officially announce will release Diablo 3 soon!!
So far, only few characters created, Barbarian and Witch Doctor. Barbarian is not stranger anymore for us but witch doctor is new in Diablo 3. I played witch doctor character a lot in dota (Defend of the ancient), and that hero is awesome. But how well will witch doctor in Diablo 3 perform? Hopefully it won't disappoint us.


Diablo 3 is now fully in 3d, comparing with Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 that is 2d only. Expected high requirement PC need for smooth gaming. Time to upgrade/change new computer? He he...

Visit the official site of d3 here: site is slow to load ( I tot my PC hang while loading it),maybe because of the flash site and the heavy traffic that day.

More preview at:

Hell we all gamers waited for so long for this game, hope our effort is worth for it.


angelyee said... one can deny..U r a true gamer which battles 24 x 7, or maybe not..23 x 7 maybe..

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